24 December 2012

a Sanchez Christmas Eve

23 Dec
Waking spontaneously at 4.30am we hit the still-dark road an hour later. The highlight of the drive south was the most spectacular dawn I've ever witnessed, just before Nîmes:

I thought we would be saying goodbye to the sun somewhere on the Castilian plain. But clear sailing and minimal breaks meant we drove into the Sanchez parking space just 11 hours later in full sun and a shocking 20 degrees. Thank you, Juan, for a stoic driving effort, minimally supported by me (the sticky bit around Barcelona, yuk).

Minutes later Juan and Ignacio lept into action, spiking 2 hams to their jamoneros:

Albacete is arguably the dullest town in Spain. Christmases here have historically been an opportunity for me to spend days shopping 'til I drop. But our first stroll around the city centre showed evidence of the depression: several vacant businesses and most people in the street rather than in buying mode.

24 Dec
Juan showed me around his favourite haunts and we had a small, utilitarian shopping fest at the market and local hardware stores:

In the flat I submit to the cocooning experience. It's impossible to help Juan's mum, Pepita, who insists on peeling my oranges, wiping up after me and giving me everything I could possibly want, or not want. There's a seamless transition from one meal to the next, and we gratefully accept the fall-out from the many (edible) freebies Juan's dad, Jesus, receives during the course of his (endocrinological) consultancy work. Juan catches up with family (news), and I am delighted to reconnect with Mar, a friend from way back.

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