08 December 2013

dancing into winter

Things are slowing down. At the end of November I ran the last of my cycle of three shiatsu workshops. Was it a success? Yes and no. In terms of my ability to maintain credibility (in French), pitch the instruction appropriately, find the right pace for the group, feel relaxed and enjoy myself on the day –  then Yes. In terms of generating a sufficient nucleus of participants from which to plan a follow-up: then unfortunately No.

I'm not entirely sure where I'm "going wrong". But I think it's partly that shiatsu involves working with another person and the therapies of choice seem to be those that involve an inward journey avoiding the complication of another person. Yoga, qi gong and sophrologie are all very popular. Bummer – I really wanted this to work as I have realised it is the best and possibly only way I can integrate recent shiatsu training in the UK and keep my shiatsu alive. Where do I go from here? Well maybe nowhere, and in some ways it's a relief to have all my Saturdays back and not have one more "thing" to juggle between Juan and I.

Meanwhile, Amélie Schweiger's 5 rhythms weekend on the "Magic du frisson" was stimulating. At one point –  horror of horrors – we had to visualise our relationship with the rhythms and our ability to be nourished by them. Here is my 3-minute impro an aide memoire for me but of no interest to non dancers!

flowing meets staccato and a bit of lyrical

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