25 March 2013

over the border again

Juan had kept me away from his Swiss bachelor pad for over 4 months. But I was keen to touch base with the place that takes up so much of his time and energy. (And, who knows, this could yet end up being my home, too. So at least a bit more familiarisation seemed pertinent.)

Despite drear weather, and the "crowding" effect of an additional person and her paraphernalia in Juan's 40 sq m, we had a good weekend. I had thought I was saving Juan time and energy, myself driving. But I now understand his weekly trips to France are a choice: clear blue water between work and play. Everywhere we went was new for both of us. But whereas I was in tourist mode, for him it just felt a bit weird - why was he there at the weekend...

On Friday Juan finished early and we took advantage of the best weather of the weekend to go cross-country skiing in the Jura, near Ste Croix, 20 minutes west of Yverdon.
Rebecca: But if you like walking, and enjoy the fun of traversing a winter landscape on skis, and know that you need some exercise, and the place is empty, and it doesn't cost anything... why don't you like cross-country skiing?
Juan: I do. I did it.
Rebecca: Yeah, but you'd had enough after 30 minutes...

So Juan went on strike and I found myself on my own for the second part of the short circuit.

On Saturday we joined John, Matilda and Sophia at Les Mosses - a family ski resort an hour NE of Lac Leman. Our ski gloves hadn't made it (my imperfect packing). So, whilst John and the girls downhilled on empty, mushy, late-season pistes, Juan and I snow-shoed up to the café at the top of the resort.

... crossing paths with family Pannell on the way down:

On the Day of Rest Lausanne, under leaden skies, was dead as a door nail. But we enjoyed an exhibition:

... that was more varied than might have been expected from the theme: from 17th century Dutch still lives, with tiny windows reflected in wine glasses, to a 21st century photo project of people staring anonymously from their New York flats.

electricity installation by gallery car park
We took the long route back to Yverdon, through the Jura once again, this time via Le Pont, a chillsome spot by Gad:

Back at the flat Juan allowed himself to be bullied into a yoga session, using one of the stack of DVDs Kelli has lent me, opting in and out as he felt so inclined.
Juan: I can do this bit.
Rebecca: But the point is to hang on in there and explore the bits you can't do, not cop out.
Juan: That's enough. I did half of it.

By the end of the weekend I think Juan was beginning to get used to having me around. But he'll be happy to reclaim his bed tonight (gentlemanly, as ever, he took the cheap IKEA sofa-bed option for my 4 nights).

1 comment:

  1. outstanding! looks like it was very worth the loud drive :)
