13 October 2013

house warming?

On Saturday we went to a bizarre apéro, chez les voisins who we'd met in the summer - the new build we have had such difficulty accepting. The invitation looked like this:

- with possibly the least flattering angle of the houses possible, complete with building rubble and fencing. Lovely. And the event itself was weird. Not so much a house-warming as a freeze-your-balls-off on the terrace while drinking sangria in 5 degrees. We never saw inside. But it did bring us into contact with the family who have moved into the chalet directly opposite (they of the barking dogs), and also the inhabitants of the old farmhouse flat facing us the other side of the stream (with a screw-loose landlord - not present - who apparently asked them to send him a nude photo of them!; the same guy who abused Juan the day Juan made the mistake of asking him to follow the no-power-tools-during-lunchtime rule - said landlord is now persona non grata in the commune). Another very curious slice of French life...

1 comment:

  1. Glad I am not the only one that has weird things happen. A great story as was the shiatsu rabbit out of the hat one!
